Happy New Year - a look back at 2022 - DC Norris
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Product & Process Training - Qatar

Happy New Year – a look back at 2022

January 5, 2023

Author: Annabel Norris, Marketing Manager

As we near the end of the first week of January, we take a look back at a great year at DCN whilst also looking forward to 2023.

Innovating Equipment to Reduce Costs

2022 saw us focusing on ways in which we could help our customers improve their carbon footprint, reducing energy costs and water usage.   Our new innovative designs – Cook Quench Chill ‘Adapt’ and Belt Chiller have proved popular as people recognise the cost-saving benefits.

Investing in Manufacturing Facilities

We are continually investing in our manufacturing facilities to maximise production and make our own processes as efficient as possible.  Robotic welding has been introduced, we have commissioned a new kettle polishing machine and invested in racking systems for sheet, plate, section and bar.  As a result, we have designed, manufactured and installed over 40 Kettle Systems – breaking previous records.


A highlight was installing the food equipment for the FIFA World Cup in Qatar – our cooking systems produced up to 100,000 meals per day, and we spent a week in Qatar training the chefs and staff on a large variety of recipes from a multitude of different countries.


We welcomed back a full schedule of exhibitions and attended Propak Africa, Anuga Foodtec, IFTECH Pakistan and Gulfood Manufacturing!

Overseas Agents

We expanded our portfolio of agents and welcome Found Four on-board who will represent DCN in Japan.

What does 2023 bring?

It’s not long now until we will be moving into our new offices and reception, and we are also looking at increasing the manufacturing premises further.

Vice President of DCN North America, Matt Klein joined us at the end of last year, and we are looking to develop the US office and team further.

We have lots of new R&D projects in the pipeline – watch this space!

Cook Quench Chill 'Adapt'
Cook Quench Chill ‘Adapt’
DC Norris Team
Product & Process Training in Qatar
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