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D C Norris & Company Ltd

Sand Road Industrial Estate, Great Gransden
Sandy, Bedfordshire SG193AH UK

t:  +44 (0)1767 677515
e: [email protected]

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DCN North America (US & Canada Enquiries Only)

DC Norris North America LLC
Contact:  Dick Smith
Address: 1564 Northern Star Drive, Traverse City
Michigan, 49696

t :  231-935-1519
e:   [email protected]

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Our Location

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Our UK headquarters are located in Great Gransden, Bedfordshire, just 30 minutes from Cambridge and an hour from London.  Established in 1970, DC Norris is a global leader in bespoke industrial food and beverage processing equipment. We deliver flexible, efficient, and innovative solutions, catering to every food processing need, from stand-alone machines to fully automated production lines.

With over 60,000 square feet of manufacturing space equipped with advanced CNC and laser cutting technology, we ensure precision and quality. Our Product Development Kitchens in the UK and South Africa offer facilities for customer trials and recipe development.

We have a global presence across Europe, America, Africa, Asia, and Australia. Get in touch – we’d be delighted to assist with your next project.

Our office hours are:

8:30am – 5pm (Monday – Thursday)
8:30am – 4pm (Friday)

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