More DCN equipment making its way to the US! - DC Norris
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More DCN equipment making its way to the US!

More DCN equipment making its way to the US!

August 18, 2021

Author: Emma Hodgson, Marketing Executive

Working together with our US Office in Michigan, two more 2500ltr DCN Kettle Cooking Systems are leaving today to join the existing eight systems already in operation with the customer in the USA.

The system will be used to produce soups and sauces and is very similar to other systems we have installed around the world.  A huge variety of recipes and products can be produced on these systems in fast times, including 2500ltrs of Minestrone soup in 70 minutes and 2500ltrs of Béchamel in 50 minutes with zero burn-on. This particular system also incorporates DCN’s patented Jet Cook Technology, Braising Bar, in-vessel emulsifier and is controlled with our Recipe Management Software, putting the customer in control of every cook!

The system allows our customers to reduce their carbon footprint as it can use up to 50% less energy than traditional steam jacketed or injection systems. The salt and fat content of products can also be reduced without any detriment to the flavour or texture.

Another order that has come via DCN North America is the upgrade of a soup and ready-meal manufacturers equipment. We are in the process of shipping 2 x 500 Litre and 2 x 1000 Litre kettle systems with Jet Cook Technology, to be linked to their existing CIP System and Recipe Manager. With the customer already benefiting from 4 x 1000 Litre Kettles Systems we are pleased to be able to assist them again with their processing needs.

More DCN equipment making its way to the US!More DCN equipment making its way to the US!More DCN equipment making its way to the US!

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