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DCN are pleased to announce the launch of the newly improved patented design Bag Emptier, designed to open and empty Capkold Cook-Chill bags.
The unique design automatically opens and removes product by taking the Capkold bag through a series of opposing wiper blades.
Incredible savings
Conventional manual methods result in significant wastage with large amount of food product left inside the bags. With The Bag Emptier incredible savings are achievable with test results showing that typically only 1% of product remains in the bag.
Suitable for products such as soups, sauces, casseroles and many other convenience foods.
Our Tumble Chiller rapidly chills large batches of food in flexible plastic casings to below 4°C (40°F), extending refrigerated shelf life for up to 45 days. Post-cooking, the bagged product is immersed in chilled water while the drum gently rotates, tumbling and massaging the bags to ensure thorough cooling with minimal product damage.
The Model 400 Heat Seal Pump Fill Station is a cutting-edge industrial heat sealer machine, designed for fast, precise filling and sealing of Cook Chill bags. This high-performance system efficiently empties kettles after cooking and fills bags before cooling, ensuring a hygienic and airtight seal with advanced heat sealer technology.
The DC Norris Manual Bag Emptier / Scraper is designed to facilitate the efficient and hygienic emptying of product bags, utilising roller blades for smooth product transfer. On average between 0.1 – 0.2 kgs product remaining.
The jet cook and braising bar demonstrated fantastic particulate integrity, and a fresher more home cooked finished product
Ronnie Miles, Managing Director
Bells Food Group Ltd